Energy Clearing

 ᎤᎵᎮᎵᏍᏗ  ᎢᏤ  ᎠᏕᏘᏱᏍᎬᎢ  U-li-he-lis-di  i-tse  a-de-ti-yi-s-gv-i (happy New Year!) We've crossed the Threshold into 2025, and near the end of the month, will greet the Asian Year of the Snake (January 29).

This is a great time to create 'physical and metaphorical space for fresh Chi / energy and fortune' by clearing out old, stressed and stagnant energy from the year past. 

I'm participating in the January Ultimate Blog Challenge - always inspiring! 

Buddha's Playhouse

In Karen Kingston's book "Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui," she suggests asking yourself these questions as you're clearing:
  1. Does (an object) lift my energy when I look at or think about it?
  2. Do I absolutely LOVE it?
  3. Is it generally useful?
When the answer to any of these is, 'No,' it's time to move it out of our space! In her 18 day guide to making way for the new year, my friend Gwynne Warner writes, "It's absolutely fine to delegate this, it just needs to get done! If it's going to be YOU doing this, and you already feel overwhelmed, just do a wee bit each day."

Bedside shelf
A tip that helped as I prepared to move on the fall of 2022 was the 'body double.' If you can, engage someone's help - maybe trade cleaning time? It's generally easier to deal with another's 'stuff' than our own - far less emotional attachment! 
When you're working on your own, put on music or a podcast and clean along! Gwynne suggests that during this cycle of clearing and cleaning:
  • Open doors and windows at least 10 minutes to let fresh air circulate
  • Play happy uplifting music
  • Burn a stick of sandalwood or palo santa incense, or spritz water with favorite fresh essential oil (citrus, cinnamon, etc)
Is your space ready for a reset?


  1. I am working on my reset. It's been a slow process, but a good one. I'm learning a lot about how I can making my living space comfortable, happy and peaceful. This is alice from the ultimate blogging challenge.

    1. Slow and steady is more sustainable, isn't it?
      And I love your intentions of happy, comfortable and peaceful!

  2. I'm working on my reset also, purging so many unneeded things and reorganizing my space. Every January I stop grocery shopping, except for bread, milk and things like that, and I don't start until the two freezers are almost empty. To me that's a major accomplishment.

    1. I love that - it's so nice to have a refreshed space, isn't it? And to make way for the new. Great goal to use stored food, and refresh your freezers as well!

  3. I think my space is ready for a reset! But it seems like I just did it a couple of months ago. I do know the importance of clearing out energy, though, so it doesn't pay to wait.

    1. Yes! I know i did a reset in September, and some seasonal tweeks- it's a continual process... sigh!
      And always feels good when it's 'lighter!'

  4. I love this time of the year for purging. It feels so good to get rid of stuff that is weighing me down and start fresh.


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