Cleanse and Reset

We're a week into February and our focus on Resetting Your Space as a Living Altar. This is the third year I've been invited to co-host with my creative Sistar Katy, and we've both decided to focus on our studios. Craft supplies & Altar I'm also enrolled in an 8 week course on using Creativity to foster Resilience, with my friend Cindy Jacobs . We are using Soul Collage and Mixed media to craft cards, and exploring insights in our journals. Cindy i s also offering a monthly circle to make cards around our Word of the Year - email Cindy to register for these! Yesterday I moved a small set of shelves next to my couch, where I do most craftey bits! Angel of Time One of the first SC 'Neter' (archetype) cards is this helpful Time Angel! I've been working with her since ~ 1995, when my friend Anita and I invoked her aid on the way to a Reiki circle (and arrived 'on time' - though we should have been late!) Whilst resetting our spaces, it can also...