Attitude of Gratuitude

 A key practice in Reiki is to recite the Go-kai - the precepts, daily. The 4th precept is Kansha shite - be thankful/ grateful - for our life, energy,  our companions, and this amazing universe. 

Daily Circle ᏔᎵ (Ta-li - two)

If we wish to have a more harmonious world, and to foster a healthy environment, teachers from many paths invite us to set our intention for this, and engage with gratuitude. 

  • Express gratitude daily: get up and give thanks to the elements: earth, air, fire and water. 
  • A Hindu practice: touch the floor with your hand, greeting the earth before stepping out of bed. 
  • Give thanks for food and drink
  • Appreciate little moments of beauty and joy.
  • Shine your light - as we see ourselves as radiant beings, we become them!
  • Do your personal practices, and release the outcome - Tai chi, yoga, meditation, Reiki, kindness...
  • Pay-it forward. When someone offers help, or does something kind, follow suit when you notice an opportunity. 
  • Connect with like minded people and actions that energize us. 
  • Children are closer to the unseen realms, and can help us remember how to tap co-creative power.
  • Invite children to ceremony - release fear by breaking a stick, beam rainbows into their water, dance their light. 
  • At our Color of Woman graduation in 2015, my Apache friend Carmen told me the drumming the day before had been so powerful because, "the ancestors are so happy for you all, and so glad you are doing your work! Won't you be glad when your grandchildren do theirs?"
A number of studies have shown gratitude practices enhance our personal well being and mood, and even reduce pain! This ripples out, and has a harmonious effect on the world around us. 
We each have gifts to share, and power to bring positive change and harmony in the world around us. 

Let us choose love and joy, and positive action.


  1. This is alice from the Ultimate Blogging Challenge. I love all of these suggestions of ways to express gratitude. Thank you for putting them together in one list. Today, I stayed inside at home all day because of the weather. Although I prefer being outside, I am very grateful for the opportunity to have a day of rest and relaxation. I am thankful that I have a home and that life is good.

  2. Witnessing your Gratitudes!
    It is pretty nice here (W Oregon) so my daughter and I walked back home after dropping her car off for an oil change!
    I'm also Grateful for my home and for little adventures like this!

  3. What a beautiful reminder to cultivate gratitude in our daily lives! Your words are like a soothing balm, encouraging us to find joy in even the smallest moments. Thank you for sharing such heartfelt and inspiring reflections!

    1. So glad you find it helpful and inspiring!
      I am always uplifted, interacting with someone who has a positive attitude, and being grateful certainly engenders positivity!

  4. What a heartfelt and uplifting post! Gratitude really does shift everything, and your words are such a gentle nudge to appreciate the beauty all around us. This is the kind of energy we all need more of—absolutely love it!

    1. Thank you, Mystee - we do all benefit from positive energy!


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