Purpose, Healing and Ikigai

 Being human can be thought of as a dance of finding balance between our connections and our own unique spark, our place and purpose. 

In Okinawa, home of more centenarians than most other areas of the globe, discovering one's purpose is a key factor to well being, and is called Ikigai.

When we align with our values and purpose, we are more content in good times, and resilient in times of stress. This in turn can lead to enhanced health and wellbeing. 

Some factors which promote my sense of well being include enjoying a mainly whole foods diet (with a preponderance of local,  fiber rich foods, fresh when possible), moving throughout the day, spending time outside, connecting with friends and family, and engaging in creative pursuits.  

For over 40 years, I've been engaged in Healing Arts as a Licensed Massage Therapist, and feel inspiring others fulfills my sense of purpose. I've always identified a creative, and enjoy teaching creating and healing. 

I've added many complimentary tools to my Medicine Basket: Reiki, Lightwork, movement: dance, Qigong, Tai Chi and Breema. Vibrational modalities include attending drum and flute circles, playing harp and using stones and Tuning forks personally and in sesions.

Interest in herbs and love of flowers led me to make over a hundred flower remedies or 'essences,' which help us align with empowering our essence and true nature. I also enjoy making tinctures, and using fresh herbs and flowers daily. 

No Mud, No Lotus

In Dr Karl H. Maret's forward to Tuning the Human Biofield, he writes we have "teeny reciprocal tuning forks on each cell membrane, producing either incoherent or coherent frequencies, 'changing their tune,' as it were, when bathed in coherent sound." (P 39) 

Sound healer and author Eileen McKusick goes on to say: "Sound balancing is a therapeutic method that makes use of the frequencies produced by tuning forks to detect and correct distortions and imbalances within the biomagnetic energy field, or biofield, that surrounds the human body."

The movement, energy and creative modalities I've studied assist in this tuning of our biofield, bringing us into harmony and balance. Humming is a great way to activate the vagus nerve, and 'tune' ourselves!

I feel 'All healing is self-healing,' we choose guides and practitioners to assist us as we gather our own healing tools! I love opening the creative and healing doors for folks!

Well Being Mandala

Working with image can be a great way to explore purpose - I love using watercolor pencils - you can also try going through old magazines and clipping pictures that appeal, then arranging and pasting on thin cardboard, or, as those in our Red Thread community often do, in a simple composition book! 

We often use some paint for a background, and bling!  Choosing images first, and words that catch our interest, then writing can help us tune on on a different level!

Juju (good medicine) journal page 

Do you feel a sense of propose/ alignment with your personal gifts?

 How do you explore and fine tune?


  1. Fascinating post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I lost my first comment I think. I really like how you explain that finding our purpose leads to wellbeing. As an adult educator I found my purpose inspiring and helping people attain their goals.

    1. That happens to me as well!
      I enjoy working with adults as well - that's an admirable purpose!


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