Miracle Hour


Several years ago, I found an inspiring piece by Chelsea Dinen, encouraging us to wake up a bit earlier, for a Miracle Hour

Popularized by Hal Elrod, the Miracle Hour weaves elements found in the Artist Way Morning pagesMorning CafĂȘ, and  practices like Reiki, Breema and Qigong.

The acronym SAVERS provides a key to the ~ 10 minute components that comprise Miracle Hour:
  • S - Silence (Self-Reiki!)
  • A - Affirmation (Mental/Emotional self treatment)
  • V - Visualization
  • E - Exercise (Qigong or Breema)
  • R - Read - daybook or inspirational
  • - Scribing (Reiki or Gratitude journal)
A session of Self-Reiki, can combine both Silence during the treatment flow, and Affirmations, thinking of the Reiki Principles, and an Affirmation can be combined Mental/ Emotional healing. Another option is to practice a breathing exercise, I like this one from Wim Hof (11 minutes) 
or - (not silent - but gentle) tune the Vagus nerve by humming! 

We can enVision the breath carrying good energy throughout our entire body, and that rippling out to our neighborhood and friends. 

The Japanese Morning Exercises are a delightful way to begin the day. The first and second set take about 6 minutes. The third (3 Minutes) can be done seated, so is a nice option! Practiced in Japan for nearly 100 years, the morning exercise music is still broadcast daily. Doing these early in the day enhances lymph flow - and just feels good! 

I have always enjoyed Reading, and often do so most days. I participate in several bookgroups, so one of those is always a choice.  The Cherokee Feast of Days is my current favorite day book, with thoughtful and inspiring daily reflections. 
Feast of Days & Syllabary chart
I put any áŁáŽłáŽ© (tsa-la-gi / Cherokee) words she's included into Syllabary Script, as I read and contemplate her daily message. If you keep journal, that's a lovely place to Scribe reflections, insights and gratitude. A cup of Tea is the perfect compliment. 

I often save longer Exercise sessions for later in the day. These might include a walk, or perhaps Qigong, which I've done for over 40 years. While I have several forms and have taught Qigong, I enjoy following a video at times, this one, with Marissa is great. 
Breema is another favorite, with free classes broadcast at 9 AM Pacific time throughout the week. 
Pumpkin and Gourd
As an alternative to Reading, I might do a Creative practice, and Scribe any insights or messages that arise from the process. 

I enjoy doing variations on the SAVERS practices as part of my daily routine, and invite you to experiment with incorporating some of the Miracle Hour into your day. 

Don't feel you've time for the full hour? How about 5 minutes per set (1/2 hour)?  I don't time myself, and often spread them through the day.  

What favorite practices might you include? Share in the comments!


  1. What a wonderful practice! I will try incorporate more into my morning. I always begin with thanking God for this new day. I pray and sometimes recite the liturgy of the hours (laud). I do Avery short stretching exercises.
    Like you I exercise later on the days. I really appreciate this post. Thank you for sharing it

    1. Lovely way to begin the day, Cheryl!
      Our pastor got a Calvin Grant to use the 52 week Seasons of Wonder devotional (Bonnie Smith Whitehouse) The grant included finding for copies of the book for the congregation, and various field trips - the hours are included in Bonnie's practices!

  2. What an interesting read! My ‘miracle hour’ is less poetic: black coffee, whole wheat toast, pb, frozen blueberries and some uninterrupted screen time including solving the daily Wordle. Then shower and off to work! Still I feel quite zen. Not talking to anyone, especially bc = before coffee ☕️ is key đŸ€Ș

    1. Nice way to start the day, Tamara!
      Hee hee - my former hubby world say he racapitulated phylogenetic each morning ac (after coffee!

  3. Great post Nadya. My morning miracle hour is more like 10 minutes but it includes silence as I talk to God and Rich and then I read a few passages from the bible and meditation quotes from a few books. Throughout the day I add in exercise and of course a cup a chai tea.


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