Clean sweep

 16 years ago when my old Brown Beauty broom was wearing out, I needed to find a new one, (which I still love dearly!) I'm not a naturally tidy person, and my home goes through phases and stages of order and disarray! But - I enjoy sweeping with a good broom, (and like my mom, washing dishes by hand - many handmade - in a dish pan!)

2019 Brown Beauty and magical Broom

After some research, I ordered from Backwoods Broom company (Eugene), which supplied brooms used for the Harry Potter series! And though it's 15 years old, mine is still going strong! 

In addition to its daily tasks, it's joined me for our local Hexendance!  McMinnville blocks off main street on the 31st, and merchants pass out treats. Our informal group meets for several practice sessions, then dances in one of the intersections - near a shop that now carries these brooms and besoms!

Brooms have long been used a an aid to energetically clear one's space. Here's a little sweeping prayer I sometimes use:

Broom of Light

Help make things Right.

Circle round & bless this room

Clearing all of stress & gloom

Bring Abundance, Love and Cheer 

To all my friends, who enter here. 

Hexendancers and Brooms I'm on the Right
While Rose Cottage was under construction, I lived with my daughter's family in the big house. With 3 kids still at home, I had a line on their chore chart (tacked on the fridge) where we could see our daily tasks at a glance.
Before moving into my home-behind-theirs, I had my daughter help create and laminate my own chart. I don't know if my mom wrote hers down, but she had days for different tasks. And the Tsalagi word for Friday is ᏧᎾᎩᎶᏍᏗ (tsu-n(a)-gi-lo-s-di - washday (a colonized term!)
My Chore chart

Recently I posted a few of my tidying and dethugging tips in a thread on a FB group which offers mutual support for getting our habitats 'nice and clean and livable'  

- find a flow that works for you! Tidy first - of if it's really a tip, begin with obvious trash, and things out of place. Ask,  does it have a home? Where would I look for it? 

- pull out a timer, and start with several 20/10s, admiring your progress during breaks - this is a good time to decide what to target next/ what else needs done. 

- Make a list and check things off when finished!

- I identify my MIA - Most Important Areas - and address them first. These are generally entrances and the areas most often used.

- After getting one favorite area relativity clear,  set that as an Oasis - and give it a little love daily.  Perhaps think of the surfaces as 'lava' to anything that doesn't belong, which helps halt surface accumulation!

- in the past, I'd end up with a space looking worse - why did i even start?  Now, I factor in ~20 minutes at the end, to tidy up, dispose of trash, deal with donations, etc. Or - if it will take longer, clear a path, and use containers for like items to deal with next time.

- Might it help to hire a cleaner for a jump start?  Several friends have worked as cleaners - their job puts food on their tables, and they're grateful for the work! If it's a good fit, having them come regularly can make a huge difference for you and help you maintain a cozier space! 

- another option is to use a cleaning buddy - in person or virtual - put a longwinded friend on speaker phone, and do some tidying; or cue up a podcast / YouTube for dethugging stints. 

- My Choctaw and Cherokee friend Candy told me her mother and auntie sang as they prepared meals, and sent her out of the kitchen times she was in a bad mood!

A harper friend once told me, 'When I sweep, I call to mind the spirit of my Grandma Bea, who tended her household chores like the blessings and prayers they are.'

Can you turn your home care into a prayer?


  1. What a beautiful way to look at home care! Turning daily routines into mindful, meaningful practices really resonates. Your sweeping prayer and chore tips make tidying feel so intentional and inviting. Thank you for sharing these lovely insights!

    1. In so glad to hear that, Jazzy! Yes, I find it inspires me to do tidying when I am more mindful about it!

  2. Neat! My living room floor needs sweeping - perhaps I'll try using your prayer. I'm not particularly tidy myself, but I like your tips.

    1. It always feels so good when I've swept the floor, or have clear counters! (And - i don't always get to those!)
      The other day someone dropped by unexpectedly, and though I had craft clutter spread about, the house was otherwise in pretty good shape!!

  3. Oh, what a wonderful idea. I was so happy yesterday because I ordered an over the door shoe holder that holds a good number of shoes. And I put the shoes in the holder right away. It looks great and the shoes are off the floor!!!

  4. Oh, that's great - and what a nice feeling of accomplishment!
    I have a glass fronted cupboard my dad made in his HS shop class in the mid 1920s that i use as a pantry.
    There's room under it for 3 pairs of shoes, and I keep one's i don't wear often in a basket in my closet!

  5. The way you honor your broom’s lineage with Backwoods Broom Company (even with ties to Harry Potter!) is such a lovely touch. Your story brings such warmth and intention to home care, turning everyday tasks into rituals filled with meaning – truly inspiring!

    1. Oh, thank you, Tamara!
      The broom company is great to work with, and I love the attention to details!
      I do try to bring attention and mindfulness to my daily tasks - and it's easier in my new space, with less 'stuff' around me (need to attend to my storage space soon!!)

  6. What a great poem and a great way to get sweeping done. I'm not the most neatest person either but lately I've been like Mrs. Clean going through room by room and cleaning, tossing, sweeping and tidying things up. I don't have a poem but maybe I can work on one. I'm just happy I'm in such a purging mood! Today I rearranged and organized one side of the kitchen so that makes me feel goo.

    1. I left the "d" off good! LOL

    2. Oh, well done, Martha! And it does feel good to top up some organization, doesn't it?! And heartening when we're on a roll!
      Hope you have some time for a nice bath tonight or tomorrow!


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