Birthday of the Plankhouse

 This weekend marked the 15th birthday of achaf-hammi, the plankhouse at nearby Grand Ronde, which 'provides a traditional space for countless activities, events and ceremonies.'  

Pre-European contact, these long plankhouses played a vital role for the indigenous people of the rainy Pacific NW, serving as winter homes, store houses, and meeting places for the large extended families, who've been here over 10,000 years. (Similar Longhouses were used in Europe and Asia) 

Tribal Histories - David Lewis

I am so grateful we were invited to attend this celebration, and went with 2 of my Native Voices bookgroup friends, Emily and Judy! 

Our group members read and discuss books by indigenous authors, and we've visited Chachalu cultural center at Grand Ronde several times. Chachalu, which translates to 'the place of burnt timbers' the name given the area after a massive forest fire in 1856.  

The reservation is home to members of more than 30 tribes, from areas now called 'Oregon, Washington and N California. Last year, Crystal, our guide for our museum trips, invited us the birthday party. She told us this is a more traditional gathering, and a time their beloved plankhouse is opened to guests! 

Most original plankhouses were burned, so the people couldn't return home; and it's only in recent times that tribes have been able to build anew. The fragrance of the cedar planks and the woodsmoke wrapped us in sense of that homecoming. 

Ancestors and baskets - Chachalu
'Tribes tolerated white settlement because tribal culture in the region (Pacific NW) was not based on warfare, but networks of positive relations among kinfolk. The Kalapuyans, Chinookans, Molallans, and all other tribes in the region were engaged in a vast trading economy.... the trade network was aided and enabled by intermarriage between all the tribes in the region (which) helped keep wealth in the families and secure  leadership... 

'When the white Americans established fur trading forts,...tribal chiefs began incorporating the white fur traders and their products into their economy through marriage and forming friendships.' (P 40/41 - Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley) 

In the tradition of those early contacts, we felt welcomed, and that our interest and respect was appreciated.

Achaf-hammi is built in the traditional style, using giant cedar logs and planks (harvested respectfully on reservation land, and processed with the same respect)  ... during the celebration, the whole building reverberated as the drums and people sang! Dancers and drummers ranged in age from toddlers to elders, garb from more traditional to modern. 

Because Judy uses a walker, we stayed on the top level, and sat in chairs rather than descending to the cedar benches.  Both upper and lower floors are packed earth, and there are two hearths set into the floor, with smoke holes in the rafters. There's room around the hearths for the drummers and dancers of all ages, and seating on both sides. 

This article has more info and drawings of plankhouse construction. And this article from the Grand Ronde Smoke Signals talks about winter being a time for storytelling - 'ikanam' and ceremony in these living houses. 

We were honored as elders (though we're all white!) and young women brought us our delicious meals - buffalo stew, salmon, brown and wild rice with dried cranberries, salad, potato, plus a cupcake and a bannock (being gluten free, I set aside the last two - there was a bucket in the center of the lower floor for food scraps.) This is a more traditional meal than the oft seen fry bread! 

The meal was prepared by one family, as an honoring for a beloved community member, and offered as a give away. We left before the gift giving - but we're gifted bags of snacks for the road ...

We sat by a granddaughter of Kathryn Jane Harrison, who had been instrumental in the restitution of tribal rights, and was elected chief at Grand Ronde. Despite a hard beginning, her grandmother lived to 99, (1924-2023!) The younger Kathryn shared tidbits of history and info with us - and lots of giggles!

It was a rich experience, and will inform our discussion of 'Tribal Histories' this Wednesday! The people of Grand Ronde contribute so much to our community, and I look forward to growing friendships. 

Have you experienced something culturally enriching recently?


  1. What a precious encounter you and your friend got to experience! Thank you for sharing!
    As a kid I was always fascinated by Native Americans. We built a tipi using blankets, and I wore a suede vest and braided my hair 😂

    1. It was precious, Tamara - and we feel so blessed!
      Yes, I also made those blanket homes and such!
      My folks were both raised by pioneer parents with good relationships - my mom's mother Mary spent a summer with a Klikatat family, and spoke some Klikatat and the Chinuk wawa. Grandma Minnie had Cherokee heritage, and I always felt my dad's love of nature and respect for the earth came from his indigenous grounding.

  2. How wonderful to see positive interactions between the Native People and non-native people. Their culture is fascinating to me. It sounds like a very enriching event.

    1. Yes it is, Barbara!
      PBS did a piece a few years ago about our 'recognized' Western tribes, both about their own communities, and how they contribute culturally and economically to those around them!
      During the pandemic, the tribes were hard hit, AND - when the vaccine came out, recognized tribes like those at Grand Ronde received enough to share with anyone who could come out!
      My son- in law and many friends did just that!

  3. Such an insightful post! Thanks for sharing this important piece of heritage!

    1. You're welcome, Jazzy - I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
      I'm so grateful to have opportunities like this! Tonight's our weekly drum circle, led by my friend Terry who's Osage and white - and held in a shop downtown (no charge!) and Wednesday our bookgroup meets, and will discuss Tribal Histories

  4. How exciting for you and your friend to attend and I was exciting to read about your experience. I also clicked the links and it was interesting to read about the plank houses. Rich would have loved reading your blogs, he was so interested in the Native Americans , especially the Cherokee that he learned their language. Thank you for sharing their birthday!

    1. I'm sure Rich would have enjoyed hearing about tips special evening!
      In the summer, I was so happy to take an in person Cherokee language class at the beautiful longhouse on the Lane Community College campus!
      I've been in a little study group with a couple the women I met in class. One's husband was Cherokee, and she had studied Cherokee with him, so she has a bit more vocabulary!
      We've talked about how happy he'd be that she's got this opportunity to study it again.
      ᏙᎾᏓᎪᎲᎢ (do-na-da-go-hv-i - see you again


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