Birthday Tidy

 I know my Birthday Twin Gwynne would approve of this pre birthday tidy! (She takes our whole birth-month off for personal renewal!)

Birthday flowers from Teresa

 When you're working on dethugging, clearing clutter, reorganizing and tidying a space, do you go through an ugly duckling stage, where it looks worse rather than better?! That's SO often happened to me! (And was my SOP as a kid - so disheartening!)

A practice I've found helpful - especially times I know I'm not likely to get back to the area for several days (or weeks!) - I factor in 20-30 minutes for a general regoup and tidy at the end! 

This includes taking what I can out of the space (empty trash, and recycling,  take donations to the car...) 
Redistributing things to their home, asking myself:
- do I need/ want it?
- Does it have a home?
- Where would I look for it?
And then - Consolidate things 'in process' to one wall or area, retaining the outtakes organization - Viola! 

And finally, gather the last bits of obvious trash,  and sweep or vacuum!
If I have a list, (usually!) I'll check off what I've accomplished ✅ and jot down my 'next steps' on the space.

My more public spaces - great room, bedroom, bathroom and entrances - are well set for easy maintenance, so just needed a little tidy and wiping surfaces. 

So - I *finally* addressed my Atelier / library / music room which had filled with jumble, during the week leading up to my birthday and Open House! 

Atelier jumble

I pulled out the garbage and recycling bins, and headed in. Garden things to the greenhouse, music and books back on shelves... this and that sorted and items rehomed .... I pulled my lovely Tiffany style Quetzal lamp out and it looks lovely on my little living room table...

Atelier - Library reset


The room feels clear and spacious! 

And the flowers! I received 7 bouquets, which are now placed throughout Rose Cottage! (Simple Shui practioner Amanda Gibby Peters and my birthday twin Gwynne will appreciate the bounty!)

There were also some lovely gifts - including freshly caught fish from my school chum George Young!

Lunch at the bistro

Lavendar and Quetzal lamp
Wee bouquet of chives • daisy gourd

Book nook by the couch

Bouquet bounty

It was a delight to share Rose Cottage with guests in small bunches - everyone loves it!! 

Do you have a trouble spot calling for attention? 

Can you schedule a half hour this week to start?


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