Tsalagi learning tools

 Today I began cutting up some old magnetic business cards to create CWY Syllabary fridge magnets! I used a gluestick and calligraphy paper on the cards - each tag is 1 × 3/4".

Business card magnets

I got 8 tags from each card, plus a 2 x 1/4" strip. I'll likely make more for symbols like di and ss, which may occur several times in a word or sentence. 

Worked on this whilst attending an excellent (zoom) presentation offered by the Smithsonian, on ways the 'California' gold rush affected the indigenous residents .... which group was 'uncivilized?'

A - e - i - o - u - v
(Top down)

After cutting them apart, I calligraphed the symbols, and will add a coat of mod podge. Now they're on the side of my fridge, ready to go! 

Syllabary magnets

What should the first words be? 

yunaduliha yanadeloqua

 'if they want to, they will learn.'


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