Last Saturday, our Edible Landscapes of Yamhill group met to discuss tending our  28 garden boxes this year! It was fun to see each other and meet the newest volunteers at Mac Market - I brought my own mug for a cuppa, and got a Mexican Mocha.

Edible landscaping volunteers

Last year, our group officially 'adopted' the 8 block stretch  of Alpine Avenue, and this year we've received a grant to expand the garden box project to several other areas.  The board members scheduled the quarterly clean up for after our meeting, and the city of McMinnville provides kits (vests, rubber gloves, grippers, signs and garbage bags) which make it easy for groups to tend the roadsides! 

Clean up crew

It felt so rewarding to gather those bags of litter along Alpine - and what a great reminder to attend to the areas near and around our garden boxes! 

This is the second year I'll be tending the Tea Garden which I dearly love! It is ironic that the picnic tables (one near my box) are only yards from well marked trash and recycling bins, but accumulated more trash than any other area along the avenue! 

Tea garden in October

Studies have shown that areas where litter is regularly picked up tend to STAY neater! We see this in our homes - clutter attracts clutter! My parents picked up when camping or visiting a favorite spot - leave it cleaner than you found it! When I've watered and tended my box, I usually pick up any trash I see near the garden, and intend to continue the practice. 

Have you participated in roadside cleanups?

Is there an area you pick up litter when you visit? 

Is there one you'd like to tend this year?


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