Daily Well Being

 Happy 2024! 

Though January 1 is 'simply a date on the calendar,' winter is a good time to take stock of how our habits and routines fit our current needs and lifestyle! Health and fitness are often at the top of the list. 

Winter waves - high tide at Depoe Bay 

When I lived at Breitenbush Hot Springs retreat center 30 years ago, we suspended our educational workshops during the winter holidays, and invited guests to join us for personal retreats. As had abundant free time, we added more in-house 'Daily Well Being' offerings, which along with with meals and 24 hour use of the hot springs, were included in their stay. 

I was invited to lead a couple of Tai Chi/Qigong classes during my first winter on staff. I'd had a personal Chi practice for 8 years, and while several staff members taught yoga, I missed the flow of movement of Dance and Tai Chi! (I attended another 'guest teacher's' Chi class, before offering my own!)

I loved teaching the classes, and petitioned our Event coordinator to offer them biweekly, as part of our regular Daily Well Being schedule. 

As staff attended my classes sporadically, and our guests came and went, my classes were drop-in style, rather than a specific form. When my Tai Chi teacher visited, she joined my class, and afterwards, affirmed that new forms had come about in just this way, adapted to fit the needs of a community! And it was always a treat to have guests make my classes part of their periodic visits to the springs!

During a 2 week Silent meditation retreat, I offered Chi classes 6 mornings a week, and several students passed me notes offering appreciation, and commented that my teachings dovetailed worth those of the retreat leader. As staff, I had opportunity to take workshops in Qigong and other modalities at a lovely discount, and build awareness and skills. 

Breema rug and Rowan

In the mid 90s, I was introduced to Breema, 'the art of being present,' and enjoy both attending Breema workshops, and including 'self exercises' as part of my daily movement. Complimentary Self-Breema classes are available online daily, just register for the days you wish to join on the website! Movements are easy to follow and to adapt to your own needs and flexibility.  

You're invited to join the January 'intensive' for experiencing a taste of Breema.  (Links on the website)

I love bite size exercises - bringing moment in throughout the day.  A new favorite comes from Japan where these morning exercises  have been broadcast daily for nearly a century! The movement sequence is easy to follow, and 2 sets take only 6 minutes!

Ironically, as a kid, though I loved riding my neighbor's ponys or my bike, and hiking with my cousins and dad, I was NOT a fan of PE - especially ball sports! So it wasn't till the chance to take ballet at 28 that I revised my sense of 'exercise' as it related to me!

I'm again participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge- check out our FB group and the prompts - it's a great way to exercise your writing and networking muscles! 

Optimal aging and well being include: life satisfaction, social participation, self reliance, coping ability, staying active and setting new goals. 

What's your favorite movement form?


  1. Hmm. I'm considering "presence" as one of my words for the year. I may check out the Breema practice. It's good to see you back for the challenge! Happy New Year.

    1. What great synchronicity! It's a lovely practice - classes are held on zoom, with only the teachers' cameras and mics on! And classes are co-facilitated, with 2-3 teaching each session - some international!
      Happy new year to you

  2. Nadya, I wish I would allocate more time to movement. :-) Maybe my favorite movement form would be yoga. With backgrounds in yoga and dance, time for movement ought to be easy, but...:-) Thanks for an inspiring post.

    1. Right? I always enjoy when I've begun - but getting started is a challenge at times!
      During the lock down, a lovely Russian dancer posted barre exercises on youtube, and I loved following along, as our ballet school is from the same tradition!


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