Herb Spiral

 An Herb Spiral is a common feature in permaculture gardens. Several herb plants have been in pots for quite awhile,  and I'd already planted some herbs in the bed to the left of my door, so decided that was a good place to add a spiral! 

New Herb Spiral

In her Lovely Greens blog,  Tanya Anderson of wrote, "One of the smartest ways to grow herbs is in an herb spiral. Situated in a sunny location close to your home, they create micro-climates that allow you to grow many herbs within the same small space. Typically made of bricks or stone, it winds up from the ground in a small spiral mound. Herbs that like more sun and drier feet get planted at the top. Plants that like moister soil and a little shade go towards the bottom. The sun also heats it through the day, releasing that warmth through the night."

Rock pile under Elder

The flat bed 'before' had the topset leeks, parsley, Chives, Rue, pansy, (Good King Henry - a perennial spinach) and celery

Parsley, Alliums, Rue, Pansy and Celery

I brought over the herbs I was considering for the spiral in their pots, and began gathering stones - we brought many of these from the garden on Galloway. 

Beginning the stone spiral

We met Melissa and Andy Van Hevlingen in the early 80s, and have been getting herbs from them ever since! I enjoy asking what's a new favorite, and often try it in my garden. The Chilean tree mint (Clinopodium) and tea Chrysanthemum at two of those 🌿 

Van Hevlingen booth at Helvivia farm 
Adding compost/ potting soil

I added a little natural fertilizer with the compost/ soil, then began placing and planting the herbs - always the Best Part!

Herb Spiral Planted! 

Herbs from the pink heart and up the spiral

  • Clinopodium chilense 
  • thyme
  • Topset onion 
  • Echinacae
  • Rosemary
  • Golden oregano, spilling over the rocks
  • At the base: borage and tea Chrysanthemum
I tucked a strawberry in on the back side, and will likely add more plants liking it cooler, and plant some flower and small green seeds.

Do you have an Herb Spiral In your garden?


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