Weekend retreat

 This past weekend, my daughter's family and I joined other members of our congregation at Camp Arrah Wanna, for a lovely retreat! Our youth love spending time at this rural camp near Wy'East (Mt Hood), and it's a great to have camps for all ages as well. 

My daughter Mary helped plan activities, so invited me to lead two creative workshops. In the first, Heart's Ease, we identified several things which weigh on our hearts, and found images for antidotes. We used color and shape for the 'weights', then cut images from magazines and calendars to collage on card stock!

Heart's Ease participants
The shares and check in at the end are always so touching! And it's always fulfilling to hear that our time together was conforting and helpful.
Sarah's Heart's Ease altar
Sunshine began folding cranes, and she and Sunshine took a major walk, and continued working of their 3-D pieces after lunch!

Zander (12) enjoying a walk
It is special to share camp time with my daughter, her hubby and my youngest grands. Their big sisters and cousins loved their time at summer and winter youth camps, and were sad when they 'aged out.'
Keira - Smores!
I joined friends for a hike Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning led the second workshop, Medicine Basket. This is a favorite, identifying our medicine gifts.  
Medicine basket
My creative classes focus on Intentional, process oriented art; each student is encouraged to work with their own images, and to let go of the competitive and discouraging inner voices that often plague us (we scribbled on the back of our process papers when they came up!)
Don commented,  "Drawing and art work are definitely not (part of my) giftedness, yet I have learned to be less critical of my work and just enjoy the experience" 
My Medicine Basket
Keira, Zander and Mary - Mandalas
Karen led a class in creating mandalas, and my daughter and her kids were in the lodge with her, whilst Karen's young daughter was with us in the Craft Shack.
Youth and adults could also make glycerine soap and beeswax candles There was also time for walks, contemplation, and napping! 

Next month, pastor Erika and Jeff Savage are offering a contemplative terrarium at the camp, and I think I'll sign up!
Contemplative retreat

Do you have a favorite natural spot, retreat center or park?


  1. This sounds like a wonderful retreat! How wonderful to be in the magic of the mountain creating art with loved ones.

    1. It really was - we all enjoyed it! And it was so fun to watch the kids of various ages interacting with each other and the adults!

  2. What a wonderful time you all had on your retreat. I love the idea of having creative workshops. I'm at my favorite retreat with hubby as I'm writing this. We love to go to the Great Smoky National Park and sit along the river and reflect on the beauty and nature.

    1. Oh, how delightful, Martha!! Have a wonderful time and enjoy the river and mountains!! I'm reading 'the Giver of Stars' by Jojo Moyes, about women circuit riding librarieans, set in rural Appalachia in the 30s.


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