Essence of Summer

 "Not all of us have an Ascended Master living in our neighborhood, but we all have access to flowers. The flowers have never forgotten they are One with the Creator!

"Flower essences are problem solving tools for whenever we feel out of balance. They are like road maps for our electrical systems."
- Molly Sheehan, Green Hope Farm Essence Guide.

Fascinated by and in love with flowers all my life, I began formulating essences in 1991 after reading about them, & realizing how simple they are to make! The timing was perfect, as I had just moved to work at Breitenbush Hot Springs, and been initiated as a Reiki Master. 
While I enjoy making and having single essences, it can be a special treat to 'bottle' the energy of a season of the garden into a bouquet. These essence bouquets can form a sturdy foundation for embracing one's next steps!
Some folks wonder about the number that can be combined - in our current age, our energy systems are under constant stress.  The essences offer messages of balance, harmony and wholeness which help counter the often negative energetic voices! Self adjusting, our bodies and fields take exactly what they need at a given time.  

Purple and Pink Lammas 'bouquets' 
Today whilst listening to a podcast interview with LAc and essence practioner Lindsay Fauntleroy, I felt the nudge to make a seasonal essence, at this Lammas cross quarter. I'd used several of the flowers I choose during our Intentional art circle yesterday, so began with those. 
Heart Connection
I'd recently planted the Petunias, to attract hummingbirds to the new gardens at Rose Cottage, and got the message to make two 'bouquets essences - one mostly pink, the second purples (with a royal splash of gold!)
Lammas Pink
  • Sweet Pea - sweetness, vibrant joy, Vitaliy, soothe and calm
  • Chilean tree mint (Clinopodium) awaken to one's true essential self
  • Mallow zebrina - mental emotional harmony, grace through transitions, DNA tonic
  • Cerise petunia - Loving kindness, open to sending and receiving broadcasts
  • White Yarrow - spiritual protection,  a shield of light
  • Alyssum - grounding, connecting with one's God Spark, Christ consciousness
  • Lemon thyme - psychic cleansing, the etheric principle of time, thymus gland, connecting here and now
  • Kent Beauty oregano - shed what's unnecessary for the present and moving forward unencumbered
Lammas purple bouquet
  • Catmint - enhanced Vitaliy without over stimulation, steady, vibrant energy
  • Lavendar - sacred wisdom of the feminine, focus divine will through our whole being
  • Petunia - St Germain violet flame - transmutation, shift gears, transmute energies 
  • Ink berry (Scaevola) bring new ideas, vision into being, ground new ideas, pivoting with paradigm shifts
  • Self heal - precision, listen to inner voice, align with one's true calling
  • Thyme - etheric principle of thyme, anchor self in body
  • Goldenrod - open, clear and rebalance third eye, align with own vision, be true to self despite pressure, Joyful 'goldenrod of the divine'
Flower essences (strained, then the liquid preserved with some alcohol) can be used internally - one formula is '4 drops, 4 times a day till you start forgetting.' Or - 4 drops of the Pink in the morning, 4 of the purple in the evening. 
Another option is to add drops to a bath, or to a spritz bottle with favorite essential oils, to bring the energies into our field. 


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