Mid-Summer Land Tunning
Rose cottage garden is growing beautifully, and (with good watering!) revelling in the heat.
I've been enjoying our book group conversations on the the daily reflections offered in local author Randy Woodley's book, Becoming Rooted. Each of the 100 brief chapters includes a story and inquiry or suggestion for implementation.
Today, whilst talking of chapter 40, Turning Tornados, I was reminded of an experience related by flower essence maker and practioner Molly Sheehan. (Green Hope Farm Essences ).
During her visit to Ireland in 2005, she had a chat with the elementals* shortly before she left, asking why they had been so supportive of her work.
Molly comments that the guides & devas delight in being asked to help us. She & others who are sensitive to land energies feel that nature holds & stores energy that has been released when there are intense emotions, battles, etc.
And when we ask, "A group of spiritual entities connected with Nature do the actual energy cleansing, but this group cannot do this work unless a human asks them to do it. It is one of our vital roles in the co-creation & maintenance of earth. If a human doesn't ask for energy cleansing for a piece of land & this land is holding a lot of negativity, spirit's only options for removing this negativity are extreme weather."
Here's the Process Molly & I use:
** Imagine the boundaries of the land you wish to clear (you may want to have a map of your property, if it's larger, & may be guided to clear it in sections. If you're in an apartment, clear your own space, imagining the grounding cord of the apt going into the earth below you, & clear the land surrounding the apt. Invite guidance for what best suites your circumstances!
Energy Cleansing Process
Find a quiet & comfortable place to center yourself. In the beginning, you'll want to be in the garden/ on the land you're clearing.
"Ask for assistance from:
The Overlighting Deva of the piece of land you want to clear. This being from the Angelic realm holds the divine plan for this piece of land. (Deva is a Sanskrit word meaning 'being of Light')
Angels Overlighting the land. They work with the Deva
The Elementals of the land. These are the beings who bring land into form & then hold it there so we can live in a physical world. Gnomes for the Earth element, Undine with water, Sylphs work with air, & Salamanders with fire.
Pan, Head Elemental of Earth (Machaelle Wright calls Pan the CEO of Nature)
Any Ascended Master of God realized being who is connected with this piece of land. There may or may not be any connected, depending on the piece of land. (You can invite the presence of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, St Germain, & other Masters with whom you you feel connected.)
Deva of the Earth's atmosphere, Lunaria
Deva of the Earth's surface, Sapphalo
Deva of the sun in the center of the Earth, Darndella
Our Sun, Helios & Vesta.After you call in this group, ask them to CLEANSE, CLEAR, RE-BALANCE & ILLUMINATE the land you are clearing.
Molly: 'You can visualize all the negativity being removed from the land both below & above the ground. You can visualize yourself or an angel holding a sword (Michael/Michaella), cutting all the negativity free, perhaps spinning in a circle holding the sword out; or you can imagine a big gyroscope whirling & cleansing.
"The image only needs to work for you. If visualization isn't possible, it's OK. The land will still be cleansed because you have asked to have it done. Close the session with a thanks to everyone involved.
"This is the bare bones of a process. Over time you will probably develop your own individual approach. For example, you may get to know the names of the Deva & Angels of the land. You may get shown a process that will improve on this one. You may get asked to do several pieces of land. Thank you for doing this service."
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Violet Flame |
** I also like to imagine a hedge of roses (think Brier Rose) with portals of violet flame at the entrances to the driveway and Rose Cottage, clearing folks' energy as they enter or leave.
At times I erect a golden pyramid above my property (rectangular here :) or a violet bubble - check in & see if any images come! This is a great time to sketch, doodle and journal!
Any time you feel vulnerable, are concerned about weather or safety, take a few moments to do this process. You can check in to see how often to tune your land - I did it nearly daily during the construction of Rose Cottage, and aim for several times a week. I uusually walk out my back door, do the invocation, and within a few moments, feel a frisson.
It helps to have quick name for the process - you may simply invite 'Devas, Angels & guides of this place, please CLEANSE, CLEAR, RE-BALANCE & ILLUMINATE this land!' And when you feel the process is complete, thank them.
* Besides clearing my own land, I may invite the Devas/guides of the city where I live (or someplace I'm visiting) to CLEANSE, CLEAR, RE-BALANCE & ILLUMINATE that place, as appropriate. I always intend that this be for the highest good of the natural world, and for any who visit the spaces!
I reason that places humans can toss litter, I can invite the guides to help clear! I especially see the 'green areas' being cleared, parks, the planting strips & flower pots in the downtown, etc. Molly invites us to listen to our guidance, & network with the devas, guides & elementals on this!
And, with Molly and the elementals, I say, Thank you!
Thank you, Nadya.