Earth Day Blessings

 I'm so grateful to love in this beautiful blue green planet! The first Earth Day celebration was a year after Neil Armstrong saw the earth from the moon - and watched it disappear behind his thumb, when he extended his arm! At that moment,  he realized everything and everyone who was important to him was on that marble! 

This year, I was invited to do ASL sign for the songs of the McMinnville Women's Choir at an Earth Day event.  The celebration was sponsored by Zero Waste, and held at the Presbyterian church - which is one of a coalition of local churches with Climate Action groups. Edible Landscapes is an offshoot of Zero Waste, providing food and education to the wider community. 

Earth Day Banners - Earth from the Moon
The event is a reminder that we make choices that have an impact Every Day, and encourages us to make Greener choices. 
Speakers included City Council member Sal Peralta, who reminded us that Zero Waste Oregon started with our McMinnville group! He brought good news on State legislation action re: requiring take out containers be compostable, and banning Styrofoam containers. 
Councilor Peralta
After the event, I visited my Landscape box on Alpine, and was pleased to see the plant i was unsure of, Barberry, had leafed out and is blooming. The barn and berries contain berberine, and can be used in a Tea high in antioxidants. 
Barberry in bloom
From there, I headed to one of the allied businesses further down Alpine, Sustainable Rituals, for a glass spray bottle for cleaning, conditioner bar (to go with my purple Acai Berry shampoo bar) and a dish washing brush. 
Glass spray bottle
I added a bit of borax solution and 1/2 tsp Dr Bonner's castile soap to warm water. I use the borax solution in the liquid dispenser on my washing machine with my eco laundry sheets.
Shampoo bar and conditioner, local soap
I ordered the shampoo bar (in minimal, recyclable packaging) several months ago, and love it.  The bamboo soap rest and  bamboo handled brush were part of the set.  I reacted to the conditioner bar that came with it (likely the wheat germ oil) so will pass that on to a friend who uses gluten. 

A number of studies have shown gratitude practices enhance our personal well being and mood, and even reduce pain! This ripples out, and has a harmonious effect on the world around us. 

Caring for each other and Stewarding resources transcends individual cultures and traditions, and are part of our earthly birthright. 

Sanctuary at Breitenbush (1983-2020)
It's up to each of us, if we would like to see more harmony in the world, and a healthy environment, to set our intention, to affirm the vision, and to:
  • Express gratitude daily: get up and give thanks to the elements: earth, air, fire and water. 
  • Give thanks for food and drink
  • Appreciate moments of beauty.
  • Shine your light - as we see ourselves as radiant beings, we become them
  • Do your personal practices - Tai chi, yoga, meditation, walking in nature, practicing kindness, pay-it forward, ...
  • Make choices that are 'Greener' - carry shopping baskets and bags with you, shop local and grow what you can, reuse, recycle...
  • Connect with like minded community 
  • Invite children to garden, to beam rainbows into their water, to spend time in nature.
  • Engage in creativity - make music, dance, craft something, paint rocks
  • At Color of Woman graduation, my Apache friend Carmen told me the drumming the day before had been so powerful because, "the ancestors are so happy for you all, and so glad you are doing your work! Won't you be glad when your grandchildren do theirs?"
Cloutie flags at a holy well
We each have gifts to share, and power to bring positive change and harmony in the world around us. 
Let us choose love and joy, and positive action.


  1. I agree that we each have unique gifts to share with the world and the power to make an impact with them and change the world. Every choice we make can either move us closer to or further away from our God-given purpose.

  2. Earth day has to be every day. Everything we do has to consider that the earth supports us and deserves our support in everything we do.


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