Walk Through

 Over the years, my cleaning style has ebbed and flowed; my daughter tells me I could write a book on feng shui, (she wonders why I don't just do what I know, lol!) 

Last fall after numerous discussions and planning, my daughter, son-in law and I began sorting, clearing and downsizing for my big move into a smaller space!! She helped inside, while he did much of the heavy lifting and dispersal- storage,  donations, recycling and trash!

Zander helping sort

When I'm working solo, I am a fan of utilizing a Body Double -  listening to podcasts or YouTube, or calling a friend (and using Bluetoothor pitting them on speaker!).

Melissa Maker's Cleaning videos, and tips from Rachel Hoffman of UFYH were already favorites.  I joined a fortuitous Clutter Clearing submit, and found more: Cass - Clutterbug, Dana - A Slob Comes Clean,  plus my friend Kira Rodenbush - What's Up with your Stuff?
And Feng Shui Maven Amanda Gibby- Peters House Therapy (and Simple Shui) are great as well!

Living room corner mid-reset
I especially like Rachel's (UFYH)  reminder that "Company ready is good, but you ready is better!" 
She suggests setting a timer and working in small blocks of 20 - 45 minutes, resting 10 minutes, (or more). She stresses taking one's own circumstances into account - do you struggle with chronic health problems or depression? Perhaps you work full time and/or have toddlers - any of these can form roadblocks to curating a welcoming habitat! 

Bookshelf after
A tip that helps me tend my space is doing a couple of Walk Throughs each day! I began using this term a decade ago when, I read Jean's post - and it's still one of my favorite mini-practices!

A Walk Through involves going through the space, attending to any trash and things out of place, and dealing with them! Bus dishes to the kitchen, throw away or recycle trash, neaten a surface. It's a good way to tuck the house in at night - and something 'neat folks' do automatically!

It's a concept kids can learn, and help with. A quick check for toys and shoes which need to be put away, trash to recycle or toss and dishes to bus takes just a couple of minutes, (who knew?!) In addition to my daily chore from our family rotation, I do several little tidy and Walk Throughs.

What are some of your favorite routines and little practices for tending a 'you ready' space?


  1. I would love to learn feng shui. I feel like I’m a bit intuitive when I’m with someone so I think that feng shui would make sense to me. I wish that I known about the walk through strategy when my kids were growing up. It would have made my life easier. - Cheryl

  2. Many of the concepts in Feng Shui are pretty intuitive - and ultimatly, our spaces need to feel good to us!
    So agree on the Walk through and kids - I've used it with my grands!

  3. Ah, did you move into Rose Cottage?
    I do a "10 minutes a day of something." I hate cleaning so 10 minutes is generally my limit, and I set a times so I can be done when the times goes off. Sometimes, I play a game I call, "You can't come out of the room until your finish cleaning." This game is for more heavy duty cleaning.
    I am a Feung Shui fan also. I had a Feun Shui practitioner come to my home when I first became aware of the practice. It really made a difference for me.

    1. I will be able to move in ~ early March - after the heart pump is hooked up! They've been putting up the drywall, flooring and cabinets are ordered, the kitchen appliances are in the garage!
      I am a big fan of setting a timer for 10-20 minutes, love your game!
      I've been putting Feng shui tips in a notebook, to keep Weaving in.

  4. I describe myself as having high inertia. Remember from your high school science class, a body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest. That works for me when cleaning up around the house. Tidy the bedroom in the morning, making the bed as soon as I get up. clean up the kitchen after cooking and eating a meal. Laundry, vacuuming and watering plants occurs on a weekly schedule. There is one exception, my study. Here it feels like nothing is ever finished so when I leave, everything is left in place, ready for me to resume when I return. That must be the example of the house is visitor ready, but I am not.
    After forty years of collecting stuff, I have already started to get rid of stuff. I hope it doesn't take forty years.

    1. I can so relate to having high inertia!! Like you - I start with making my bed, and other little 'while I'm here' tasks! And my art area tends to be like your study!
      I was in my last house nearly 2 decades, and it helped immensely to have my daughter going through things with me last fall, as I was preparing to sell my home and move!

  5. We are in the process of downsizing and we have so much stuff! I like the idea of setting time blocks, then I won't get distracted and move to something else and get me off track.

    1. Oh good luck as you downsize! Yes - task and time blocks helped me when I was doing the same .... I sometimes make a little list and then play 'bingo' with them to decide the order


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