February Reset

 I'm excited - and a little nervous - to be cofacilitating this year's February Reset. We met (via zoom) last night, and will record our opening circle tomorrow. 

The group description begins, 'creating conscious corners with our homes - think of this, what if your whole home was a sacred space?'  I love this focus! And have been joting down ideas, and putting my bits on the calendar. 

Intentional Creativity invites us to begin by setting intentions - many of us will pull out a journal for notes and creative process! 

Some inquiries to ask as we embark

  • Why do I want to dethug and reset?
  • What do I wish to create space for? 
  • What blocks my process/ progress? 
  • Who - what matters most to me about my space?
  • Who (what items) am I 'renting space' to - (do I like the 'tenants?' Would I invite them again?)
  • When - what time and energy can I devote to the process?
  • How - what strategies will I employ, and
  • Where will I begin?
Last year, I began with my movement nook, as starting small with an easy win works best for me! I often set a timer for 20-30 minutes, and then take a break or reset it - short sessions help prevent overwhealm. 

My general goal is a clearer space with more cozy, inviting nooks, and curating items that resonate with my current interests and life. 

Done is better than perfect!

As a Virgo, I can get finicky about fine tune cleaning, and ignore the big picture, so I work on saying Ø to perfectionism, and 'yes' to progress! 
Gracie testing the cozy couch

My LMT friend Kira Rodenbush is a professional organizer, and I enjoy her podcast, What's Up With Your Stuff? 

For general tidying, dethugging and upkeep, Kira suggests to ponder your own baseline - what matters to you (and your partner/ housemates) Melissa Maker, Clean my Space, suggests identifying each person's MIA - Most Important Areas, as you decide who tackles what. Work from that to develop and fine tune your own routines. 

In my own home, I make my bed when I get up, wash the dishes and wipe down counters after breakfast, and aim for at least one 20/10 a day (20 minute tidy/ clear, 10 minute break) 
While in living with family during the construction, we each make our own beds, tidy our bedroom, and rotate chores in the shared areas. With 3 adults, 3 kids (11-18) at home, 2 dogs and 4 cats, it's not spotless - but it is a welcoming and energetic!
My nook

During the reset, we'll share ideas, inspiration, creative prompts or little 15 minute challenges. The FB group is a kind space, intended to nurture and encourage those who come, with no judgement on what, or how much or little each devotes! 

Are you called to periodic resets?


  1. I wish you the best in this event and we Homeschool, and I work from home and cleanings has to fit in somewhere so we live with timers for everything keeping me and my son focused and on task. Have a good month and I hope to see you back in April for the #UBC.

    1. Thank you, Glenda!
      Timers are so useful with kids!!
      I was our family Distant Learning aide for my youngest grands during the lock down, and earlier our family aide at their co-op playschool! I loved the routine there - free play for the first hour+, self timed snack (serve themselves and bus their dishes) them a quick 5 minute tidy before story time! It reminded me of the open school my kids attended in the 70s-80s
      Thanks for the April reminder!

  2. I've never done a reset but I sure need to. This is the year of total decluttering and getting ready to downsize so I think a reset will be a good thing for me. Congratulations on the UBC ending!

    1. It's a great year for that - we'd love you to join the FB adventure!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your posts this month. Congratulations on volunteering to cofacilitate the reset. It sounds like fun!

    1. Thank you - I'm looking forward to it 💚

  4. Nadya, what is dethugging? I've enjoyed your posts and your thoughtstream generally. I think you will be brilliant at gently facilitating your group. Blessings to you--

    1. Dethugging is a term for getting the 'ugh and clutter out, and free up our spaces! Isn't it a descriptive word?
      Thank you - I've been enjoying your posts, too!


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