
Showing posts from February, 2023

Reset Wind Down

 As our month of Resetting winds to a close, the other facilitators and I are Reflecting on the journey.  Rose Cottage is also getting closer to completion, and I'm dreaming into my new space!! Rose cottage and garage We hope this month has given our participants an opportunity to rethink and feel into their own Living spaces, and enjoy them a bit more! As my co-facilitator Katy commented, it's not about keeping a picture-perfect or super tidy space.  It's not about decluttering and having a minimalist lifestyle - (unless that's what suits you!) It's - finding the balance that works for you, and making slight shifts Identifying your MIA - M ost I mportant A reas - and planning how to best tend them  Set up a routine - chore chart, lists, some daily tasks to tend your space Look at your home with new eyes - what appeals? What needs attention? Craft a cozy and welcoming space Perhaps you've discovered some new routines, or 'cozied-up' a nook? Some tip...

Tea Garden

 This spring I decided to join a group of volunteers who plant and tend raised bed boxes in the granery district along Alpine Avenue.   We met at Mac Market last week, and chatted about the project, what was planted in the beds last year, and chose from those available for tending and watering this year.  Alpine garden beds I'm one of 10 new volunteers, and my first bed (near the one in the photo) has raspberry, blackberry and strawberries. There's room for some Edible flowers, and perhaps a native Camas. I'd like to add an arctic raspberry, when I find some! We'll return soon for garden cleanup and spread a new layer of mulch. Many of the beds have cover crops, including a nice patch of miners lettuce!  Tea Garden Gal! There's a Tea Garden, and I was excited that one's now available, so I'll be tending it! I may ask for the herb garden next to it, and see if someone else would like the Berry bed.  The perennials don't require as much water as the annua...

Front door

 One of the simplest things you can do to welcome good fortune is spending a few minutes on your entrance and front door periodically!  My Purple Door Stand on your front walk, and look at your wall, porch and entrance Is the path clear and safe? (Opportunities flow) Is your address visible? (Can fortune find you?)  Greenery - are trees, shrubs and potted plants overgrown or in poor shape?  (Overgrown: too 'full' to receive more - dead branches or plants feel un-cared for) Is there clutter or trash? Is the porchlight in good working order? Doorbell? Does your door need a wash, or fresh coat of paint? If there's a mat, is it in good shape? Note anything that needs repaired, trimmed cleared or replaced.  When you're out and about, notice entrances and doors that appeal! Check out doors on Pinterest ( this board of Gwynne's has some lovely ones) When weather permits, go out for a 15-20 minute tidy! As I was preparing to sell my Galloway House, I did this frequentl...

Imbolc blessings

 Imbolc is one of my favorite 'cross quarter' holidays, (the ones between Solstices & Equinox) : It marks the feast day of the goddess Brigid , a time the goddess washes her face, & is renewed! In Celtic mythology, she is a member of the Tuatha de Dana, and brings wisdom, poetry, harping and Smithcraft. Many sacred wells are dedicated to Brigid. Candlemas and Groundhog's day mark this passage in western calendars, and the Christian saint Bridget has many of the same attributes.  At this time of year, I am drawn to inner cleansing - and after receiving a lovely bundle of kale and herbs from my friend Nikki's garden, I've been making green smoothies for brekkie.  Cloutie flags by a sacred well Fiona Morgan, writing in  We'moon  says:  "A pure new light sparks as we emerge from winter's dark sleep. . .  We recharge our psychic batteries as the entire universe begins to quiver & pulse its cosmic rhythm. Earthlings feel Her intensity acutely as ...